The Alien Phenomenon

With recent advances in bio-technology and cybernetics we are hurtling faster than ever before into what Nigel calls 'Sim Card Man.' Could it be that the Grey aliens that are a feature of almost all abduction experiences may themselves be the final product of a civilization at another location in the universe achieving this stage of technological advancement to its acme. Could this civilization have transformed their own natural bodies through artificial implants into bio-mechanical entities?
It was recently revealed that scientists in the US have succeeded in developing the first living cell to be controlled entirely by synthetic DNA. Nigel suggests that the Greys themselves may have been made in this way as synthetic copies of their creators but fortified with an inorganic chemistry to allow for the kind of space travel beyond the speed of light necessary to reach other life forms in the universe. Could our cells act as their host mechanism for their synthetic DNA just as a bacterial cell was the host for the synthetic DNA produced by our own scientists?
Could the Greys have been the final product of a civilization that sought to avoid death in this way? Could they be the epitome, in other words, of artificial intelligence?
Abductees have commented on the blank, emotionless faces of the greys as they carry out painful procedures on them. It is as though we are laboratory rats to them. There is no sympathy but no cruelty either. They are like biological robots perhaps programmed to preserve the identity of their creators for eternity, carrying their DNA and cloning and re-cloning it in an attempt to reconstruct the original programme.
Owing to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, otherwise known as entropy, all matter is subject to increasing states of breakdown and decay. The DNA held by the Greys would be breaking down with each cloning and re-cloning. However, to refresh their sample would not be simple. Human DNA, for example, is likely to be very different to their samples. The only way they could make use of our DNA would be a hybridisation process, converting us to be more like them.
This hybridisation process has been strongly affirmed by Budd Hopkins and Professor David Jacobs, the leading figures in abduction research. In fact in the last twenty years they have noticed that the hybridisation programme has been stepped up dramatically. Could this be connected intimately to our escalating progress in cybernetics, artificial intelligence and bio-technology? Are we emulating the highly advanced technology of the civilisation that made the Greys? If the answer is yes then do their famed abilities for mind control through implants and possibly genetic interception have something to do with it?
We are rushing headlong into a bio-technological revolution in which our natural status as human beings is more and more likely to be converted into a synthetic, artificial construct eventually. Nigel feels that if we let ourselves be carried along with this and don't think about its implications we will lose our ability to think individually at all. This power to think may be the secret of a natural property we all have and has been identified by the teachers of all the main religions as a 'soul' that gives us the potential for an eternal existence beyond the confines of a physical universe. It's a new take on the most basic existential paradigm of all.
It is Nigel's assertion that this natural 'Soul' property may indeed be the 'holy grail' that the Greys are seeking in their agenda with humanity. As artificial entities they have no access to this natural quantum that provides a connection to a non-entropic state of existence beyond the physical universe and thus to an ability to survive physical death. Ironically as artificial creations they can never have access to this natural quantum but equally, as artificial creations they are unaware of this fact.
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